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How to Protect Your Home After Raccoon Removal Services

HomeBlogHow to Protect Your Home After Raccoon Removal Services

Raccoons can appear to be cute and fluffy in photos, but they can be nastier in person, and they’re definitely not animals you’d like to have living in your home. If you do end up with a raccoon in your house, it’s crucial to schedule professional raccoon removal services right away.

How to Protect Your Home After Raccoon Removal Services

Our team at A-1 Wildlife Control gladly offers effective raccoon removal services, but we also like to share our top tips for preventing raccoons from entering your home in the first place. Here are a few key ways to ensure that your raccoon removal services will provide long-lasting results:

  1. Seal off the attic and chimney. Like other animals, raccoons are always on the lookout for safe, warm places to hide and make their nests. Your attic or chimney could appear to be the perfect spot. To prevent raccoons from nesting in your house, you can seal off the chimney with chimney caps or wire mesh, as well as cover any holes in your vents or soffit that might lead to your attic. While you are sealing off easy hiding spots, you should seal off spaces under your deck and shed as well.
  2. Remove food sources. If you have fruit trees in your yard, you should be sure to pick off ripened fruit or remove fruit that has fallen to the ground. This will make your yard a little less appealing to raccoons and other wildlife.
  3. Cover your garbage cans. To certain animals, garbage can be just as appealing as food. You can keep the pesky raccoons out of your garbage by consistently leaving the lid over the garbage can or even placing a cinder block on top of the lid to keep them from opening it on their own.

There are many other ways you can prevent the need for our raccoon removal services. You can give us a call if you would like to learn more.