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Snake Removal: What to Do if There’s a Snake on Your Property

HomeBlogSnake Removal: What to Do if There’s a Snake on Your Property

Our team at A-1 Wildlife Control has extensive experience in wildlife removal, and you can turn to us for help whenever a wild animal makes its way onto your property. We have the right training, experience, and equipment to remove a variety of creatures from your property safely and effectively, including common pests such as squirrels, bats, raccoons, birds, and much more.

Snake Removal: What to Do if There’s a Snake on Your Property

In our experience, people tend to get especially anxious about snakes, so we have put together this article to explain what to do if you find a snake on your property.

  • Don’t Panic – If you have noticed a snake around your property, or even if one has made it inside your house, the most important thing to do is to remain calm. Snakes are not aggressive, and are extremely unlikely to attack anyone unless they feel threatened. That said, you should keep children and pets away from the area, and make sure everyone wears close-toed shoes even indoors until our snake removal experts have successfully captured the snake.
  • Call Snake Removal Experts – Seeing a snake out in your yard may not be a big deal, as the snake is likely to move on rather than take up permanent residence there. However, if you see snakes more than once, it’s a good ideal to call our team to get the snake removal services you need. We have the right training and equipment to safely trap these animals and take them away from your property. Our team will capture the snake as quickly as possible and remove it from your vicinity.